Monday, May 30, 2011


Well, I haven't posted in a while.  But, I have an excuse:  I have been busy.  Really, really busy.  It seems like springtime in elementary school is full speed ahead and don't slow down for anything!  Of course, there was the looooooong stretch of time from the snow-cation until spring break with NO days off (except, of course, for those days I was so sick I could barely walk and ended up in the ER getting tested for pneumonia-negative, by the way).  Then we had spring break (during which I worked, of course), CRCT, field trip, field day, assemblies, music programs, awards day, etc. Shew!  Oh, and of course the packing and moving of my classroom for the FOURTH year in a row.  That, however, is a great change.  My new room is HUGE compared to the one I had this year.  The only downside to the room is that I lose my private bathroom.  Well, throw into that registration for grad school, church, and trying to keep the laundry done and the house clean, and, well, I haven't posted in a while.

But I'm back, and I have a few pictures to post.  They are related to family get-togethers.  Here is one of my grandparents (he is 82, she just turned 76) and all of the grandkids (minus 1) including spouses.

This was taken in April.  We had been celebrating Easter and Grandpa's birthday.  Yesterday, I gave them a framed print of this shot.  When I looked at it and then looked at one they had on their wall of all us grandkids from several years ago, wow, I am getting old.  Time flies.  I remember getting that other picture taken like it was yesterday.  I will have to see if I can find my copy of that and scan it so you can see it.


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